Friday, November 20, 2015

A Study in Wax (ESCP)

Two men, stuck together in an arctic cabin for six months, get on each other's last nerve.

"And we got drunk. We got red-eyed drunk! And we talked about ... women ... and ourselves ... and our dreams. And it was sloppy and it was great. The kind of haze you get when it doesn't matter, and you're feeling good about everything. And it was fine! Until ... Cabell decided it was time to hear some music."

This is a solid show. I was really sucked in and hanging on every word to see what would happen. Pretty realistic! The show's wrap up is missing, but it seems like the last line of the script is delivered before the show cuts off. The script was subsequently used on the August 16, 1955 episode of Suspense. I'll hunt that one down and add notes on it to this post when I have listened to it. 

Escape #168
A Study in Wax
1 February 1953
CBS net. William Conrad, Antony Ellis (writer), Stacy Harris, Norman Macdonnell (director).

Stacy Harris

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