Sunday, December 29, 2013

Kaleidoscope (DIMX)

This is a fairly bleak story about astronauts floating around in space after their ship explodes ... waiting for their oxygen to run out. It seems particularly timely listen to me, since the movie Gravity was just released a month or so ago. Great stuff. My friend had this to say about the show:

I found Kaleidoscope to be very moving. It's basically a very human story and barely sci-fi at all, which is fine. This one definitely seems like it would be enhanced by listening in the dark! It's a great set up, and the last line ... is poignant.

The story appeared in The Illustrated Man (1951).

Dimension X #48
15 Sep 1951
Joan Alexander, Leon Janney, Norman Rose (host), George Lefferts (adaptor), William Welch (producer), Fred Weihe (director), Bill Rippe (announcer), Ray Bradbury (author), Joe DeSantis, Edgar Stehli

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