Friday, February 28, 2014

Project Trojan (XMIN)

During WWII, British intelligence agents hatch a scheme to distract German scientists working on the rocket program with a red herring inspired by a science fiction magazine.

This is a great episode. It's a plausible idea, has lots of witty inserts, and manages to throw in a surprise or two. The script is an original by staff writer Ernest Kinoy, who got the idea from an editorial printed in Galaxy.

X Minus One #56
Project Trojan
19 Jun 1956
Alfred Isliff (narrator), Alfred Shirley, Alistair Duncan, William Quinn, Burford Hampden, Daniel Sutter (director, transcriber), Ernest Kinoy (writer), Fred Collins (announcer), H. L. Gold (author), Ivor Francis, Kenneth Banghart (announcer), William Welch (producer)

Ernest Kinoy

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