Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The McCormackMatter, parts 1-5 (YTJD)

An old case of stolen jewelry is dusted off when a prison inmate talks in his sleep.

This is Bob Bailey's debut as Johnny, the beginning of one of the most celebrated and adored runs in vintage radio drama. The dialogue is sometimes a little awkward, but as the show plugged along I started to like it. The characters felt a little more realistic, or at least less scripted, because they lacked that 50's glibness. The story has lots of turns. Some I saw, some I didn't, but in true detective fiction fashion, Dollar just keeps blundering on and turning over stones until the case breaks.

Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar #233-237
The McCormackMatter, parts 1-5
3-7 Oct 1955
Bob Bailey, John Dawson (writer), Jack Johnstone (director), Roy Rowan (announcer)

Bob Bailey

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