Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Alvin Summers Matter (YTJD)

Following a lead from an anonymous caller, Johnny Dollar heads to Santa Tomas, a sleepy fishing town south of the border hoping to make a go of it as a tourist stop. There he tries to track down Alvin Summers, an embezzler who fled the US with $75,000.

The Bob Bailey run on Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar is the absolute best detective fiction I've heard in vintage radio drama. I can't say enough good things about it. Great voices, good gumshoe dialogue that is snappy without being too hammy, plots that will keep you guessing ... marvelous.

Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar #248-252
The Alvin Summers Matter, parts 1-5
24-30 October 1955
CBS net. Bob Bailey, Robert Ryf (writer), Jack Johnstone (producer, director), Virginia Gregg, Don Diamond, Parley Baer, Roy Rowan (announcer).

Bob Bailey

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