Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Railroad (GUNS)

Libby Segar, an old widow, refuses to leave her land for the railroad right of way. Matt is forced to take action. 

"You know Chester, sometimes progress is hard to come by."

This is a great episode where Matt feels the pinch of being the sheriff. He is caught between what is right in terms of human decency and what is right in terms of the law of the land. The episode is interesting because it is reportedly a rehearsal recording and is missing some of the typical music and extra sound effects. It is also missing the end credits.

Gunsmoke #
The Railroad (rehearsal show)
26 September 1952
CBS net. William Conrad, Parley Baer, Georgia Ellis, Howard McNear, John Dehner, Jeanette Nolan (Libby), Tom Tully, David Ellis (writer). 

Jeanette Nolan

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