Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Knock (DIMX)

The last man on Earth sat in a room; there was a knock on the door.

Aliens invade and put the last living man and woman in a zoo. They fail, however, to realize that humans are not immortal.

A clever show. A little too clever. The voice talents are great and there is some good humor in the script, but there are also some places where credibility is stretched too thin. The thinnest point, in my opinion, is something you also see in other science fiction stories of the period, which is the idea that one man and one woman could repopulate the species, Adam and Eve style. (See The Stars are the Styx  and Honeymoon in Hell from X Minus One).

Despite these flaws, the show is still very entertaining. I love the literal-minded "George" and how the protagonist outsmarts the aliens.

Dimension X #5
6 May 1950
Norman Rose (host), Bob Warren (anouncer), Edward King (director), Albert Buhrman (music), Bill Chambers (engineer), Arnold Moss, Luis Van Rooten, Joan Alexander, Frederic Brown (author), Ernest Kinoy (adaptor), Van Woodward (producer)

Luis Van Rooten


  1. It's hard to look at Luis' face and imagine him doing that robot voice. Guy had talent!

  2. What does she mean 'If there's anything good about Man?'
    The actor who played the lead reminds me of comedian Derek Edwards:
    All the more so, I guess, because this story has a comedic vibe.



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