Friday, January 17, 2014

Meteor Man a.k.a. The Hungry Ones (LOUT)

A couple having a romantic evening under some "shooting stars" find a fragment of a meteorite that puts a damper on their evening!

If you love cheesy horror, this one is for you. But it's more than just cheesy fun. I listened to it at night the first time and I can tell you it creeped me the hell out.

And guess what? I have the perfect picture (and story) to go with this show. From my upstairs shower I can see out over a bit of canyon. Everyday as I would take a shower I would see this rock in the canyon "staring" at me with its creepy face. At first I laughed about it, but then it started to annoy me. I marked its position in my mind carefully before going out into the canyon. I figured it would look quite different from the ground level and the "face" would not be obvious. Boy was I wrong! I saw it as soon as I got within 100 paces. And here it is... (below)

Lights Out #12
Meteor Man a.k.a. The Hungry Ones
22 Dec 1942
Arch Oboler (host), Frank Martin (announcer)

"Come closer ... closer ... "

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