Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Dead Ernest (SUSP)

A cataleptic man involved in an accident appears has a seizure and appears to be dead. His medical alerts are accidentally separated from his body and he is sent to the morgue!

This is a great little tale of suspense. The audience listens as a housewife races to solve the mystery of a note she finds in a sportcoat her husband has just purchased in a thrift shop ... a note that could save Ernest's life.

There is a funy and not-so-subtle moralistic undercurrent to this story. The shop owner who buys the jacket is "Honest Dan" and several careless individuals are called out by the narrator.

Suspense #205
Dead Ernest
8 August 1946
CBS net. Sponsored by Roma Wines. Bob Bailey, Cathy Lewis, Cedric Lester (writer), Elliott Lewis, Jay Novello, Jerry Hausner, Ken Niles (commercial spokesman), Merwyn Gerard (writer), Verna Felton, Wally Maher, Walter Tetley, Will Wright, William Johnstone (announcer), William Spier (producer, director), Lucien Moraweck (composer), Lud Gluskin (conductor).

Cathy Lewis

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