Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Three desperate men plan to rob a liner carrying five million dollars in uncut diamonds and a load of pressurized uranium.

This one is kind of a hot mess. First of all, I'm not too sure about the science of exploding a pile of "pressurized" uranium by firing a bullet into it. I don't think it works like that. Second, this story has a twist ending that totally feels tacked on and nonsensical. Finally, I'm pretty sure the Morris Code signal in the sound effects is not S.O.S. As I recall, S.O.S. is . . . - - - . . .

I cannot recommend listening to this one.

Mysterious Traveler #253
2 May 1950
Mutual net. Ralph Bell, Luis Van Rooten, Roger De Koven, Maurice Tarplin (as "The Traveler"), Robert A. Arthur (writer, producer, director), David Kogan (writer, producer, director), Al Fanelli (organist), Frank Waldecker (announcer).

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