Space exploration has hit a wall, literally. The Great Galactic Barrier has swallowed up five spaceships. The
Star Cloud, a ship with new radiation shielding, is ready to make another run, but look out for "space blues."
This is a really corny show, but I have kind of a soft spot for it in my heart nonetheless. The gibberish-science and the pervading "watch the skies!" sort of alien panic ... good stuff.
Others must have agreed with me because the show was remade (not just rebroadcast) for episode 27 of
Dimension X and then again for the opening episode of
X Minus One. Of the three I think I prefer
Dimension X #27, but they are all extremely similar.
Dimension X #4
No Contact29 April 1950
19500429(004)_DIMX_NoContact.mp3NBC net. Ernest Kinoy (writer), George Lefferts (writer, adaptor), Wendell Holmes, Lawson Zerbe, John McGovern, Norman Rose (host), Van Woodward (producer), Edward King (director), Bob Warren (announcer).
Dimension X #27
No Contact28 October 1950
19501028(027)_DIMX_NoContact(Remake).mp3NBC net. Ernest Kinoy (writer), George Lefferts (writer, adapter), Luis Van Rooten, Donald Buka, Cameron Prud'Homme, Matt Crowley, Wendell Holmes, John McGovern, Norman Rose (host), Van Woodward (producer), Edward King (director), Bob Warren (announcer).
X Minus One #1
No Contact24 April 1955
19550424(001)_XMIN_NoContact.mp3NBC net. Bill Smith, Donald Buka, Ernest Kinoy (writer), George Lefferts (writer, adaptor), Ken Williams, Luis Van Rooten, Matt Crowley, Wendell Holmes, William Griffis, Don Pardo (announcer), Fred Weihe (director), William Welch (producer).
Truetone D2017 "Boomerang" Bakelite Radio (1950)